Macroeconomic Perspectives Roundtable with Quebec Finance Minister |

CIRANO was a partner in this major event, which brought together a panel of eminent experts in front of an audience of nearly 150 people. Exchanges were very interesting and focused on the issues of inflation targeting, the soft landing of our economies and the potential of the new post-COVID economic paradigm in which we live. Several CIRANO colleagues and partners were present at the event. → Read more
30 years of expertise in Quebec’s prosperity!
The launch of the 30th anniversary activities took place on Wednesday, September 20, 2023, in the presence of Julie Gingras, Deputy Minister of Finance of Quebec, who delivered remarks on the continuation of our partnership to address contemporary issues facing our society. This event could not have been so successful without the presence of our partners who have been supporting and accompanying us for many years and without our community of researchers!
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The St. Lawrence - Great Lakes corridor facing international trade disruptions
The St. Lawrence - Great Lakes region is said to be the world’s 3rd largest economy. It is a region of critical importance for trade in North America. The poly-crisis we have just gone through (health, geopolitical and economic crisis), coupled with incidents that may occur on transportation corridors, has highlighted the need to strengthen our global supply chains. In this video, the experts offer their insights and part of the answer to these problems.
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Publication of the 2022 - 2023 annual report
We are proud to announce the publication of our Annual Report 2022 - 2023, which highlights the scientific achievements and diversity of expertise of our research community. Once again, this annual report underlines the crucial importance of the collaboration and commitment of our researchers working together to « Allier Savoir et Décision ».
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Pessimism risks plunging us into recession
For over a year, various surveys reported that Canadian businesses and consumers are rather pessimistic about the economic situation. Assessing the extent to which this wave of pessimism can cause an economic downturn is a methodological challenge that Kevin Moran, Associate Professor at Université Laval, Dalibor Stevanovic, Full Professor at ESG UQAM, both CIRANO researchers and Fellow, and Adam Abdel Kader Touré, PhD student at ESG UQAM. are addressing in a recent CIRANO study.
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Welcome to Émilie Grange, CIRANO's new Events Coordinato
CIRANO is pleased to announce that Émilie Grange has joined the team as Events Coordinator! Holder of a Master's degree in communications strategy, she developed her project management skills over several years in various types of structures before joining the CIRANO team in September 2023.
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Publication of a new CIRANO report on “buying local” initiatives
Territorial brands strongly favoured by the Quebec government to promote local buying. These include Agneau de Charlevoix, Saveurs du Bas-Saint-Laurent or Aliments du Québec. In a recent CIRANO report, Bernard Korai and Rémy Lambert from Université Laval assess whether these initiatives have really been successful and propose several avenues of reflection to help the bio-food sector better structure the development and management of territorial brands.
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Michel Magnan, 2023 recipient of the Royal Society of Canada's Yvan Allaire Medal
Congratulations to Michel Magnan, Full Professor at Concordia University's John Molson School of Business and CIRANO Fellow and Researcher, recipient of the 2023 Royal Society of Canada's Yvan Allaire Medal for his outstanding contribution to the governance of public and private organizations.
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Réjean Hébert named Professor Emeritus of the Université de Sherbrooke
Réjean Hébert, former Minister and Dean of the École de santé publique de l'Université de Montréal (ESPUM) and CIRANO researcher, has been awarded Emeritus Professorship in Medicine and Health Sciences at the Université de Sherbrooke.
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Guy Paré receives award for best article published in 2022 in the Journal of information technology
Guy Paré, Full Professor at HEC Montréal, CIRANO researcher and Fellow won with Gerit Wagner, University of Bamberg (Germany) and Roman Lukyanenko, University of Virginia (USA), the Best Paper Award published in 2022 in the Journal of Information Technology for their article « Artificial intelligence and the conduct of literature reviews » .
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Stéphane Pallage Conference at the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal
Stéphane Pallage, rector of the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) and former CIRANO Fellow, gave a lecture at the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal on September 7. For the occasion, several CIRANO members including Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Raquel Fonseca, Sophie Osotimehin, Florian Mayneris, Dalibor Stevanovic, Marie Connolly and Nicolas Charette were present.
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Nicolas Vincent's first address as non-executive Deputy Governor of the Bank of Canada
Nicolas Vincent, Non-Executive Deputy Governor of the Bank of Canada, made his first public address to the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal at a breakfast on Tuesday, October 3, on the theme: Overview of Canada's Economic Situation. Nicolas is a full professor at HEC Montréal, and a CIRANO Fellow and Principal Researcher for the Business Cycles and Financial Markets theme. He was appointed to this position at the Bank of Canada in March 2023.
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External activity : Adéquation formation-emploi conference 2023
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Benoit Dostie, CIRANO researcher and Fellow since 2001, co-head of the CIRANO Pole on the Skills and principal investigator of the Innovation and Digital Transformation theme, will be taking part in the Adéquation formation-emploi conference 2023 on Tuesday, October 17. He will be taking part in the opening conference "Impact of transitions on the job market ", and in the panel Expert exchange on the impact of green, digital and demographic transitions in different spheres of activity". |
Ecofiscal tools for conservation and adaptation to climate change in the St. Lawrence Lowlands
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
At this conference organized in collaboration with Ouranos, Jean-Philippe Meloche, full professor at Université de Montréal and CIRANO researcher and Fellow, will present the results of a study on the implementation of eco-fiscal tools for conservation and adaptation to climate change in the St. Lawrence Lowlands. |
2023 Montreal Workshop on Markets with Frictions
Friday, October 27, 2023
This workshop is organized by Nicolas Gendron-Carrier (McGill University, CIRANO, CIREQ, IZA), Fabian Lange (McGill University, CIRANO, CIREQ, IZA, NBER), Markus Poschke (McGill University, CIRANO, CIREQ, IZA) and Fernando Saltiel (McGill University, CIREQ, IZA) will focus on research in markets where frictions are present.
Geographic mobility and intergenerational transmission of income in Quebec
Monday, October 30, 2023
Despite initiatives to promote equality of opportunity, the reproduction of inequalities from generation to generation has worsened in Quebec in recent decades. On Monday October 30, Marie Connolly, Xavier St-Denis and Yacine Boujija will present the analyses and results of a recent CIRANO study that examines the question of social mobility from the angle of geographic mobility. |
Quebec and eco-taxation : Research results and experience sharing
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
A number of academic research studies show the potential of eco-fiscal measures to achieve climate change mitigation and adaptation objectives. The symposium will be a unique opportunity to present research results and draw the most relevant lessons from experiments carried out at various scales, including by municipalities. Control of greenhouse gas emissions, sustainable mobility and conservation of natural environments will be discussed. The symposium will bring together about 10 speakers from the research and practice communities at the municipal level. |
Homelessness: solutions exist and they're not just theoretical
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
This round table will bring together Éric Latimer, professor at McGill University, Erin Strumpf, professor at McGill University and Jean Dubé, professor at Université Laval, all CIRANO researchers. Recognized specialists in the field of research in Quebec, they will provide an overview of the main findings of the most recent studies, with a view to better understanding the reasons of the increase of this phenomenon and, above all, proposing solutions to put an end to this troubling societal problem. Solutions do exist, and they're not just theoretical. Sonia Côté, President and CEO of Le Chaînon in Montreal and Michel Simard, former Executive Director of Centre Le Havre in Trois-Rivières will join the panel to share their experience. |
Launch of the book « Social Democracy, Capitalism, and Competition: A Manifesto »
Thursday, November 9, 2023
On Thursday, November 9, 2023, the book “Social Democracy, Capitalism, and Competition : A Manifesto” will be launched. This book is by author Marcel Boyer, Emeritus Professor of Economics at the Université de Montréal, researcher and Fellow CIRANO. |
CIRANO researchers' annual meeting and launch of CIRANO's 30th Anniversary Activities
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
2023 NBER-NSF Time Series Conference
Friday, September 22, 2023
Analysis of the results of phase 2 (spring 2023) of the longitudinal project on hybrid work modes
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
External activity: Round Table on Macroeconomic perspectives
Monday, October 2, 2023
Launch of the book « L'Université à l'épreuve du temps. Modèles du Québec et d'ailleurs »
Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Working Papers
Graying and staying on the job: The welfare implications of employment protection for older workers
(Todd Morris, Benoit Dostie)
Selection into Financial Education and Effects on Portfolio Choice
(Irina Gemmo, Pierre-Carl Michaud, Olivia S. Mitchell)
Is the Moroccan Fiscal System Progressive ? A Shapley Decomposition
(Touhami Abdelkhalek, Dorothée Boccanfuso)
Measuring Small Business Dynamics and Employment with Private-Sector Real-Time Data
(André Kurmann, Étienne Lalé, Lien Ta)
Project Reports
Les marques territoriales dans le secteur bioalimentaire : un outil pour favoriser l’achat local et de proximité
(Bernard Korai, Rémy Lambert)
Confiance et activité économique : analyse d’impact sur l’économie canadienne
(Kevin Moran, Dalibor Stevanovic, Adam Abdel Kader Touré)
Innovations en soins et services à domicile au Québec : barrières normatives et de gouvernance
(Mélanie Bourassa Forcier, Maude Gauthier, Hugo Prévosto, Érika Scott)
Autonomie alimentaire et volatilité des prix : une comparaison internationale
(Benoit Perron, Michel Poitevin, Arthur Adam, Xénia Sozonoff)