Homelessness: solutions exist and they’re not just theoretical |

As part of its 30th anniversary, CIRANO organizes a round table for a wider audience, encouraging exchanges between research, civil society and the public on the theme of homelessness.
In Quebec, 10,000 people are homeless. In Montreal, but also in several regions, the situation has deteriorated considerably and a record number of people live on the street or are temporarily housed in transitional housing or emergency shelters.
Eric Latimer, professor at McGill University and researcher at the Douglas Research Centre, Erin Strumpf, professor at McGill University and Jean Dubé, professor at Université Laval, all three CIRANO researchers will provide an overview of the main findings of the most recent studies, with a view to better understanding the reasons of the increase of this phenomenon and, above all, proposing solutions to put an end to this troubling societal problem. Sonia Côté, President and CEO of Le Chaînon in Montreal and Michel Simard, former Executive Director of Centre Le Havre in Trois-Rivières will join the panel to share their experience.
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Technological education in Quebec: research project and forum on the subject
Recently, Minister Bernard Drainville announced the revision of Quebec's primary and secondary science and technology curriculum, which is over twenty years old. As part of this announcement, CIRANO, in collaboration with ÉTS, organizes a Forum on Technology Education in Quebec on November 16, 2023. With the same objective in mind, Annie Savard, a professor at McGill University and CIRANO Fellow, and her team are leading a CIRANO project entitled "Formation des enseignants du primaire et du secondaire en Éducation technologique : État des Lieux et recommandations".
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Symposium on Ecofiscality in Quebec: Research results and experience sharing
The symposium Quebec and eco-taxation : Research results and experience sharing, organized by CIRANO and CERGO with the support of the Union des municipalités du Québec, was held on November 1st. A day rich in discussion and a unique opportunity to explore the results of research and learn the most relevant lessons from experiments carried out on various scales, notably by municipalities, with a dozen speakers.
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Presentation of the results of phase 2 of the hybrid work modes project to CIRANO partners
On September 26, a CIRANO team composed of Ali Béjaoui, Professor Université du Québec en Outaouais, Sylvie St-Onge, Professor HEC Montréal, Ingrid Peignier, Senior Director, CIRANO Partnerships and Research Promotion, and Felix Ballesteros Leiva, Professor Université Laval presented the results specific to phase 2 (spring 2023) and compared them with the results obtained during the two phases of the study (summer 2022 and spring 2023) during an event reserved for project partners.
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Meeting with officials from the Ministère de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale regarding the study « La sous-scolarisation des hommes et le choix de profession des femmes »
Over forty people from the ministère de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale were present at a meeting during which Robert Lacroix, professor and rector emeritus of the Université de Montréal, and Catherine Haeck, full professor at ESG UQAM, both CIRANO Fellows, presented the results of their work on La sous-scolarisation des hommes et le choix de profession des femmes, produced in collaboration with Richard E. Tremblay and Claude Montmarquette.
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CIRANO is recruiting!
CIRANO is looking for a postdoctoral researcher for the CIRANO Pole on Data Science for Trade and Intermodal Transportation. This pole aims to use advanced data science methodologies to study the economic and environmental impacts of trade and transportation, with a particular focus on the challenges and complexities within the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway trade corridor
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Bourstad and FinÉcoLab: financial and economic education tools for schools and the general public
As part of Financial Literacy Month, CIRANO is pleased to remind you of the financial and economic education tools available to schools and the general public! The FinécoLab educational games kit makes learning financial and economic concepts fun, effective and easy. Bourstad is an initiative offering a set of learning activities and stock market simulations in which the participant plays the role of investment advisor to a fictitious saver, while reacting to the evolution of real markets.
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CIRANO study on breast cancer diagnostic pathways in Quebec and how to improve them
In 2022, Canada saw nearly 28,900 new cases of breast cancer, making it the most prevalent cancer among women and the second most common across the entire Canadian population, following lung cancer. Delays in diagnosis can significantly worsen the condition and amplify existing inequalities. Eleanor Corkum, Tiffanie Perrault et Erin C. Strumpf delves into Quebec's diagnostic capabilities and performance and present practical strategies to accelerate and streamline the breast cancer diagnostic process.
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Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin appointed OBVIA's new Scientific Co-director.
Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin will head the OBVIA's « measurement tools, monitoring and surveys » component. The new team of co-directors was presented at the announcement of the renewal of the Fonds de recherche du Québec grant awarded to OBVIA for an amount of $15 million for 2023-2028. Several CIRANO researchers and research professionals are involved in OBVIA's research activities, including Benoit Dostie (HEC Montréal), Mélanie Bourassa-Forcier (Université de Sherbrooke), Guy Paré (HEC Montréal), Roxane Borgès Da Silva (Université de Montréal), Luc Vinet (Université de Montréal), Thierry Warin (HEC Montréal), Christophe Mondin (CIRANO), Thomas Gleize (CIRANO).
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Amélie Quesnel-Vallée appointed Director of the new Department of Equity, Ethics and Policy (DEEP)
Amélie Quesnel-Vallée, associate professor at McGill University and CIRANO researcher, has been appointed Director of the newly created Department of Equity, Ethics and Policy (DEEP) within the School of Population and Global Health in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at McGill University. As Director of DEEP, she is also appointed Professor within this department, while maintaining her links with the Department of Sociology.
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Ari Van Assche appointed head of the Economics and Trade Axis of CÉRIUM's Chair in Asian and Indo-Pacific Studies
Ari Van Assche, full professor at HEC Montréal, Fellow and Principal Researcher of the CIRANO Global Economy theme, has been appointed head of the Economics and Trade axis of the CÉRIUM Chair in Asian and Indo-Pacific Studies. The launch of CÉRIUM's new Chair in Asian and Indo-Pacific Studies, funded by the Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie du Québec (MRIF), will take place on Thursday, November 9 from 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm.
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CIRANO takes part in the Réseau stratégique de veille et de prospective (RSVP) annual event
CIRANO was present at the annual RSVP Day, which brings together actors in business intelligence and foresight within Quebec's public administration. Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, professor at Polytechnique Montréal and CIRANO Fellow and CEO, moderated a panel on "AI in the service of strategic intelligence: trends and perspectives", in which Thierry Warin, professor at HEC Montréal and CIRANO researcher and Fellow, took part. The event provided a better understanding of the benefits and identified areas of vigilance that will guide the use of AI in government strategic intelligence.
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Launch of the book « Social Democracy, Capitalism, and Competition: A Manifesto »
Thursday, November 9, 2023
On Thursday, November 9, 2023, the book “Social Democracy, Capitalism, and Competition: A Manifesto” will be launched. This book is by author Marcel Boyer, Emeritus Professor of Economics at the Université de Montréal, researcher and Fellow CIRANO. Our social democracies and welfare states face economic and governance challenges that threaten their very survival. Against this backdrop, "Social Democracy, Capitalism, and Competition: A Manifesto" argues that a true social democracy requires a clear definition and a refocusing of the roles of the public and private sectors. The conference will be followed by a cocktail in the presence of the author. |
External activity: Forum on technology education in Quebec
Thursday, November 16, 2023
Recently, Minister Bernard Drainville announced the review of the science and technology curriculum in Quebec for primary and secondary education which dates back more than twenty years. This day, in addition to allowing people involved in the field to express themselves and share, will support the research work underway at CIRANO. CIRANO researcher and Fellow Annie Savard, and her team are leading a project entitled “Training of primary and secondary teachers in Technological Education: Current situation and recommendations”. |
External activity : Workshop on economics and brain health
Thursday, November 16, 2023
The Sentinel North Research Chair in Brain Economics and Health is organizing a workshop on November 16 2023 at bringing together members of the research community who are interested in health economics, neuroscience and psychology. The objective is to promote interdisciplinary networking and share methodological approaches as well as research results related to mental health and brain health. Several CIRANO researchers are involved, including Maripier Isabelle (Université Laval), Vincent Boucher (Laval University), Bernard Fortin (Laval University) and Guy Lacroix (Laval University). |
Workshop « Experimental and behavioural research »
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
On November 29, 2023, CIRANO will host the second workshop of the Behavioural and Experimental Research Group at CIRANO organized by Sabine Kröger and Huan Xie .
Researchers and Fellows CIRANO and researchers in the province of Québec who conduct experiments on individual decision-making or social interactions of humans are kindly invited to participate to present their work. |
Workshop: Montreal Macro Brown Bag
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
The 11th edition of the joint brownbag for macro research in Montreal will take place on Tuesday December 5 at CIRANO. The Joint Montreal Macro Brownbag gives Montreal-based researchers in macroeconomics the opportunity to meet and discuss each others’ work. The event bring together researchers from all economics departments in Montreal and promotes their collaboration. This edition will include 5 presentations with Paul Gomme (Concordia University, CIRANO), Marlon Seror (UQAM), Panos Margaris (Concordia University), Guillaume Sublet (UdeM) and Nora Traum (HEC Montreal, CIRANO). It was organized with the help of Sophie Osotimehin (UQAM, CIRANO) and Giacomo Candian (HEC, CIRANO). |
Conciliating urban development and social diversity in times of housing crisis: what are the solutions ?
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
In a context of changing lifestyles, climate change and housing crisis, public authorities are getting involved in various projects to adapt the built environment of major cities and increase the housing supply (greening, public transport, new districts among others). While these projects attempt to meet objectives that appear legitimate in the eyes of many, they are also often criticized for the gentrification they can lead to. Indeed, the improvement of the built environment and the development of new neighborhoods often seem to offer housing options that primarily benefit the most affluent households. How can we invest in adaptation to climate change and increase the housing supply in major cities, while preserving social diversity ? This event will bring together representatives from academia, public authorities, the community and the private sector to discuss ways of reconciling urban development and social diversity. |
External Activity: GRCH Workshop
Friday, December 8, 2023
The Research Group on Human Capital will hold its seventh workshop on Friday, December 8, 2023, at the University of Quebec in Montreal. The workshop is organized by Marie Connolly, Full professors at ESG UQAM, researcher and CIRANO Fellow as well as Andrei Munteanu, professor at ESG UQAM.
The workshop is intended to promote discussion and exchanges on the theme of intergenerational mobility and its association with immigration. |
Montreal Applied Microeconomics Day
Monday, December 11, 2023
The Montreal Applied Microeconomics Day will take place on December, 11 at CIRANO. This inclusive gathering, organized by Fabian Lange, will bring together researchers from various academic institutions in Montreal who are passionate about applied economics.
This annual event is all about fostering a sense of community and collaboration among economists working on a wide range of applied microeconomic topics. The primary aim of this event is to create an environment where researchers can showcase their work, receive valuable feedback, and build meaningful connections with like-minded scholars. |
External activity : Adéquation formation-emploi conference 2023
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Ecofiscal tools for conservation and adaptation to climate change in the St. Lawrence Lowlands
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
External activity : Workshop in Labour and Health Economics
Friday, October 20, 2023
Confidence and economic activity: Impact analysis on the Canadian economy
Thursday, October 26, 2023
2023 Montreal CIRANO-CIREQ Workshop on Markets with Frictions
Friday, October 27, 2023
Geographic mobility and intergenerational transmission of income in Quebec
Monday, October 30, 2023
Quebec and eco-taxation : Research results and experience sharing
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Project Reports
Étude sur la mise en œuvre d’outils d’écofiscalité au service de la conservation et de l’adaptation aux changements climatiques dans les basses-terres du Saint-Laurent
(Jean-Philippe Meloche, Cedric Bourbonnais, Arnaud Dragicevic, Jérôme Dupras, Andrew Gonzalez, ...)
Pratiques et tactiques de vente des concessionnaires automobiles au Québec
(Verena Gruber, Ingrid Peignier, Charlotte Dubuc)
Les effets à court et moyen terme du soutien financier aux étudiants au Québec et dans le reste du Canada
(Christian Belzil, Julie Pernaudet)
Improving Breast Cancer Diagnosis Pathways in Quebec
(Eleanor Corkum, Tiffanie Perrault, Erin C. Strumpf)
Améliorer les parcours de diagnostic du cancer du sein au Québec
(Eleanor Corkum, Tiffanie Perrault, Erin C. Strumpf)