

8 results


At Home versus in a Nursing Home: Long-term Care Settings and Marginal Utility

Bertrand Achou, Philippe De Donder, Franca Glenzer, Minjoon Lee and Marie-Louise Leroux

Social Policies and Health

Frames, Incentives, and Education: Effectiveness of Interventions to Delay Public Pension Claiming

Franca Glenzer, Pierre-Carl Michaud and Stefan Staubli

Skills, Financial decision-making and Behavioral Finance

Nursing home aversion post-pandemic: Implications for savings and long-term care policy

Bertrand Achou, Philippe De Donder, Franca Glenzer, Minjoon Lee and Marie-Louise Leroux


L'impact de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur les finances des ménages

Bertrand Achou, David Boisclair, Raquel Fonseca, Franca Glenzer and Pierre-Carl Michaud

Human Capital and Covid-19

Portrait des ménages ayant reçu la Prestation Canadienne d’Urgence et pistes de réflexion

Bertrand Achou, David Boisclair, Philippe d’Astous, Raquel Fonseca, Franca Glenzer, Pierre-Carl Michaud and 1 other authors

Covid-19 and Economy

Snapshot of Households That Received the Canada Emergency Response Benefit and Paths for Further Investigation

Bertrand Achou, David Boisclair, Philippe d’Astous, Raquel Fonseca, Franca Glenzer, Pierre-Carl Michaud and 1 other authors

Covid-19 and Economy

Effets de la pandémie sur les finances personnelles : Un premier coup d’œil

Bertrand Achou, David Boisclair, Philippe d’Astous, Raquel Fonseca, Franca Glenzer, Pierre-Carl Michaud and 1 other authors

Covid-19 and Economy

Impacts of the Pandemic on Personal Finances: A Preliminary Assessment

Bertrand Achou, David Boisclair, Philippe d’Astous, Raquel Fonseca, Franca Glenzer, Pierre-Carl Michaud and 1 other authors

Covid-19 and Economy

CIRANO Directory

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