07 October 2021

Roxane Borgès Da Silva, researcher very present in the media

Roxane Borgès Da Silva, a CIRANO Researcher and Fellow since 2015, Vice-President Research Funding, responsible of the CIRANO Pole on the Efficiency of Health Services and Policies and Main Researcher of the theme Demography and Health. Roxane Borgès Da Silva is Associate Professor in the Department of Management, Evaluation and Health Policy at the École de santé publique de l'Université de Montréal.

Very present in the media between June 2020 and June 2021, Roxane Borgès Da Silva attaches importance to the dissemination and transfer of knowledge to the scientific community, governments, unions and the public to inform public decisions.

To learn more, don't hesitate to read the article from Udemnouvelles or the Jounal de Quebec