27 March 2014
External Activity: Round Table - The European Dream for Quebec Businesses?
On March 27, 2014, at the Sofitel Hotel, in a round-table format, several experts on international economic development and the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement spoke about the potential, issues, opportunities and winning strategies for Quebec businesses.
19 March 2014
Conference: Launch of the book Réinventer le Québec : Douze chantiers à entreprendre
14 March 2014
Conference: The Economic and Political Challenges to Recovery and Fiscal Balance in the United States
On March 14, 2014, CIRANO was the host of a conference held in our new offices on the economic and political challenges to recovery and fiscal sustainability in the USA. Several guest speakers have discussed their studies on this topic.
13 March 2014
Conference: Energy Independence of the United States and the Geopolitics of Oil in the World
Mr. Antoine Ayoub, Emeritus Professor at Université Laval, was our guest speaker at the conference held in the new CIRANO premises on March 13 on the energy independence of the United States and the geopolitics of oil in the world.