Le Québec économique 10 - Chapitre 2 - Point de vue. L’organisation du travail durant la pandémie de Covid-19 et les préférences pour le futur: étude de cas avec les données du Baromètre CIRANO 2021.

By analyzing data from the CIRANO 2021 Barometer on Quebecers' perceptions and concerns about the organization of work during the COVID-19 pandemic and their preferences for the future, we provide important food for thought for the development and implementation of public and corporate policies. The Barometer provided data on the issue of workplace transformation and specifically on employment during the pandemic. It also allowed for a better understanding of preferences for different work organization models in the future and to question the perceived advantages and disadvantages of both face-to-face work and telecommuting. Statistical analyses of the responses to the various questions were carried out according to the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents (age, gender, region of residence, income level, education, etc.), which provides a better understanding of Quebecers' preferences and expectations.

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