La formation liée à l’emploi dans un contexte de transformation numérique: état de la situation

This research draws on two new modules added to the ELIA questionnaire on Skills Self-Assessment and Job-Related Structured Training. With this information, we examine the means used by Quebec workers to improve their skills, and compare these means to those used by workers in the rest of Canada. Specifically, we examine variations in workers' self-assessment of their skills and find that the majority of workers report that their skill level has improved over the previous two years. We then examine the means used by employees to improve their skills by distinguishing between formal and informal training, the characteristics of employees who have access to formal training, the duration of the training, the effects and impacts of the training, the goals of the workers taking the training, and the usefulness of the training for other firms in the same industry. We can conclude that workers are using more and more means to improve their skill level, but that informal training remains more used than formal means. Comparing with the rest of Canada, the results show that Canadian workers use a wider variety of means to train compared to Quebec workers. 

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