Une réflexion sur les grands défis liés à la transformation des milieux de travail

The context of the pandemic has allowed employers to see the challenges and issues of telework, but also its strengths and potential after its intensive adoption for over a year. It is in this context of pandemic and massive forced recourse to telework that CIRANO's HR Forum organized meetings on the transformation of workplaces in the winter and spring of 2021. These meetings were held in collaboration with the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) and the Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés et en relations industrielles agréées (CRHA/CRIA).

The document provides a synthesis of all the comments that the partners and researchers exchanged during these meetings in order to inform the decisions and actions that employers will have to take in the coming months in regard to the organization of work.  Several themes are addressed, including telecommuting, hybrid work, collaboration, communication, organizational culture and motivation, occupational health and safety, workplace well-being, workspaces, work equipment, management, fairness, equity, staffing and talent management.


This report is exclusively reserved for CIRANO partners

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