Frequency, Nature and Impact of the Consultations Provided by Community Pharmacists in Quebec

This report presents results from a study of the nature, frequency and impacts of the consultations provided by community pharmacists at the patient’s initiative. The study was carried out in 2017 and 2018 using data from a population survey (913 adults in Quebec) and a survey of pharmacists and patients. The results of this survey highlight the key role played with the Quebec public by community pharmacists. The population survey highlights the central role played by community pharmacists, who do not appear to be a substitute for the roles played by family physicians and other health professionals, with the Quebec population. The results attest to a very high level of satisfaction among Quebec adults regarding the consultations provided by pharmacists. Participants in the survey indicated that the in-person consultation with the pharmacist allowed them to: avoid calling Info-Santé (49%), making an appointment with their family physicians( 44%), to visit a walk-in clinic (41%), to consult another type of health professional (30%) or to go to a hospital emergency room (17%). Potential costs avoided for the health care system are in the order of $ 707 per community pharmacy per working day, based on the average number of consultations per day in the participating pharmacies (13 consultations). Community pharmacists are well equipped to handle the vast majority of patient-initiated consultations and may be more systematically involved in triage on the front line given their skills and availability.

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