Competition Among Securities Markets: Can the Canadian Market Survive?

According to Coffee (2002), the number of securities exchanges in the world is likely to eventually shrink radically, under the effects of globalization and technology, thus leading to the question of the survival of relatively small exchanges. However, little information exists regarding the current competitive position of the Canadian market, and there exists but scant evidence to document its evolution over the last decade. Two visions of the development of Canadian securities markets are proposed. Some view this market as thriving, observing no evidence that domestic capital markets have been abandoned by Canadian firms. In contrast, other authors depict the TSX as the “Incredible Vanishing Exchange,” asserting that it symbolizes the hollowing out of corporate Canada. In fact, Canadian firms represent the largest group of foreign stocks listed in the U.S. market, even though their number has apparently been decreasing since 1998. Our study presents evidence relative to the evolution and current competitiveness of the Canadian securities market. We also attempt to predict the effect competition will likely have on this market. Our general conclusion is that survival will probably constitute a real challenge for the Canadian securities market.
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