Interview with conference organizer Paul Thomassin

Carbon and Emissions Trading Using Economic Experiments to Investigate Institutional Design

The workshop brings together five experts in the field of emissions trading to illustrate their research on how the design of the emissions trading institution can impact individual and firm decision making behaviour and the efficiency of the market mechanism.

The presenters at the workshop include Skander Ben Abdallah who will provide an overview of carbon emission trading systems in the EU and North America. Robert Godby has investigated the impact of institutional rules, such as the banking of credits, on firm decision behaviour. Tim Cason will speak on the impact of regional trading across countries, states and

provinces on firm decision making and the efficiency of market performance. Behaviour aspects of decision making in emission trading institutions are an important area of investigation in emissions trading institutions. Jim Engle-Warnick, CIRANO V.P. and Director of the Experimental Lab, will speak on the impact of behavioural issues, such as risk, uncertainty and ambiguity, on emissions trading behaviour. Finally, John Stranlund has used the laboratory to investigate enforcement issues with emissions trading institutions.

  9:00 -   9:15
Introduction to the Workshop
Paul J. Thomassin
CIRANO, McGill University
  9:15 - 10:00  
Practical Aspects of Implementing Trade in Cap and Trade
Skander Ben Abdallah
Ecoressource Carbone
10:00 - 10:15
10:15 - 11:00
Use of Experiments to Test Elements of Market Design and Market Power in Emission Permit Markets
Robert Godby
Department of Economics and Finance University of Wyoming
11:00 - 12:00
Price Discovery and Intermediation in Linked Emissions Trading Markets: A Laboratory Study
Timothy N. Cason
Department of Economics Purdue University
12:00 - 13:00
13:00 - 14:00
Investigating Individual Behaviour in Carbon Emissions Institutions
Jim Engle-Warnick
Department of Economics - CIRANO, McGill University
14:00 - 15:00
An Experimental Analysis of Compliance in Dynamic Emissions Markets
John K. Stranlund
Department of Resource Economics University of Massachusetts-Amherst
15:00 - 16:00
Panel Discussion
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registration (free) required